jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011


Suddenly my cell phone's blowing up
With your ring tone
I hesitate but answer it anyway
You sound so alone
And I'm surprised to hear you say
You remember when we kissed
you still feel it on your lips

The time that you danced with me
With no music playing
You remember those simple things
We talked 'till we cried
You said that your biggest regret
The one thing you wish I'd forget
saying goodbye
Y cuando menos te lo esperas,
cuando crees que todo va en el sentido equivocado,
que tu vida, programada en cada mínimo detalle está naufragando...
de repente... SUCEDE.

1 comentario:

  1. una cancion perfecta, para una situación perfecta. Para la persona que mas lo merece ;D
